Planning and Permits

Altus develops and secures more that 10,000 traffic plans and permits each year to help customers get access to the road.

We regularly scope and produce traffic control plans in less than 24 hours and work with our wide network of municipal and statutory road authority contacts throughout Australia to secure formal permits ahead of time and with often favourable access conditions.

Qualified and experienced traffic planners are located in each State and combine with an inhouse bureau service to give Altus the capacity to produce up to 300 traffic control plans per day.

Our planners are trained in the use of specialised industry software applications such as RapidPlan and AutoCAD as well as the NearMap subscription based satellite imagery application, giving us the most current aerial images available for any location.

Altus also produces more comprehensive traffic management plans where required, such as when required by local development consent conditions, worksite/construction management safety, event design and in markets where traffic management plans are mandatory (e.g. WA). Notably, our WA traffic planning team has an inhouse RTM.

If quality planning and timely provisioning are important to the way you work, we look forward to helping you get on the road faster and for longer.