Safety First

At Altus, safety is our why.

It is the bedrock of our culture, pervades every part of our business and gets more focus, budget & systems support relative to any other function. Our goal is simple and unwavering - to get everyone home safely.

We recognise that not only are we providing safe methods of work for our own staff, but for our customers staff, contractor staff and the public who interact with worksites in a myriad of ways.

Safety is not accidental, but rather the result of a suit of well organised and refined systems, policies and procedures that are effectively communicated and executed through the business. Staff and customer engagement are key, as is a bona fide commitment and demonstrable action from the management team.

Altus adopts a variety of methods for staff and customer engagement in order to operationalise its safety essentials, including:

  • Training, company and project inductions
  • Toolbox talks at shift commencement
  • Regular staff consultation and communication of priorities and safety alerts through a wide range of media including depot screens and notice boards, intranet login pages, depot meetings and direct phone calls

Our company maintains formal records and statistics of both lead and lag safety incidents to measure performance and provide the basis for continued improvement. We maintain a strong emphasis on near miss reporting, with a clear objective of identifying possible trends and mitigating risk before an incident occurs. Where incidents do occur, our staff follow strict reporting and investigation protocols to ensure that they are not repeated. Both lead and lag safety statistics and responses feature in regular management reviews.

Altus is continually refining its systems, policies and procedures to underpin improved safety outcomes for staff, our customers and the public. Together with ongoing innovation of operating methodologies and equipment configurations we are confident in our ability to bring the safest methods of work to industry.

If you want to partner with a traffic management company that cares as much about the safety of your staff as you do, we look forward to hearing from you.